
Save on Your Biggest Buy: Your Home

Of all the purchases we make during our lives, homes represent the most significant one-time buys people make.  As a result, it's important to get it right - or at least do the best you can.  Like many one-time events, learning the ins and outs of the home-buying business is a significant commitment for buyers, who craft the best deals using their knowledge of the system.  If you are working toward buying your second or third home, you are sitting in a comparatively privileged position, having gone through the motions before.  Even first-timers, not well-versed on mortgage principles and real estate deals, fare well buying homes, when a few money saving moves are made.  As you wade in to the real estate market, break the process into manageable features, which can each be accomplished or researched with savings in-mind.

Overpaying never Goes away
Home values are subject to a variety of influences, including location, size, prevailing real estate market conditions, and a host of other variables pushing prices upward, or dragging them down.  In the end, a home is valued at precisely the amount someone is willing to pay for it, so personal preference and appeal play large roles in valuing homes too.  Just like at the supermarket or other store, impulse buys made in the real estate market don't always lead to fiscally responsible outcomes.  As a result, the best values found among real estate buys are supported by research and general market awareness - so buyers make informed choices.  The purchase price of your home is not the only expense associated with the buy.  Fees for closing the deal and financing costs attached to the money you borrowed to buy it also influence the total amount you'll pay, in the end.  The best way to get off on the right foot buying a home is to pay the correct price from the start.  To protect you long term interests, start month's ahead, researching local sales prices and getting a handle on real estate trends in the area you'd like to live.  It is not a bad idea to run a similar analysis on your next-best neighborhood, just in case the proper deal does not emerge in your prime location.

Pay particular attention to the types of properties within your scope of interest, but also try to digest some awareness of the bigger picture too, paying mind to homes outside your personal parameters.  The preliminary legwork pays dividends when desirable properties come to market.  Instead of launching comparisons, you are already ahead of the game at that point, ready to make offers before others are.

Account for Deficiencies before you Buy

Homes are like used cars, in that there is only so much you can do to properly inspect them for deficiencies.  While a good bet might get you down the road smoothly today, the same vehicle could fall prey to mechanical issues tomorrow.  Despite the unknowns, conducting proper inspections, and identifying existing repair and maintenance issues is essential before buying a home.  As soon as you identify a property of interest, start visual assessments of condition and potential repair requirements.  It is not likely you'll find a perfect home, so don't be put off by things that need attention; if it is the right home for you, minor needs are not deal breakers.  In fact, buyers willing to take on some of the improvement efforts required to bring homes back up to prime condition often realize the best deals for their home buys. You may wish to consider additional funding to cover home improvements from somewhere such as Koala loans

The key to making the proper real estate deal is to account for whatever additional expenses you'll absorb as a buyer, so that you can negotiate with the seller to share the costs.  Don't look past those home features needing attention within a few years.  While some major repairs might be put off for a year or two, they should still be accounted for in your offer to purchase.