
Installing Gutter Guards

Many people dispute the efficacy of gutter guard installation when protecting one’s roofing from debris, litter, and clogging. Some say that it is not advisable to purchase gutter guards if it is possible because they will be spared of the taxing chore of having to clean gutters and downspouts altogether. The truth is that having a gutter guard would not entirely make the home’s gutters invincible against debris and whatnot. The more realistic thing is that having gutter guards significantly reduces – not eliminates – the frequency of cleaning the gutters. Essentially, home owners will be cleaning less often than usual.

The ideal times to clean gutters are in the autumn, when the fallen leaves have accumulated in the gutters, and during winter, to make sure that snow or ice does not cause gutter clogging. Depending on circumstances, summer and spring months can also bring in reasons to clean the gutters.

Types of Gutter Guards

There are different types of gutter guards. The basic categories are the following: reverse curve, mesh, bottle brush, nylon, non-gutter cover, and the foam type. The reverse curve gutter directs water in a downward direction using a small slit, encouraging leaves to follow and fall to the ground. The mesh type guards are sheets that have holes covering the gutter and are attached to the shingles of the roof. Typically, the smaller holes are better, because they won’t clog as easily as larger holes. Also, these will be able to sift out leaves and other debris while letting the water to drop down the gutter. The bottle brush gutter guards are like bristles preventing the birds from landing on to surfaces. These bristles are positioned upright to make debris stay on top as water continuously flows down the drain. The nylon type is perfect for the winter. It prevents ice and snow from clogging up in the gutters. Non-gutter covers take the place of the gutters altogether using thin louvers that redirect rain away from the roof. Lastly, but not the least type, is the foam type. This one is of plastic material and fits easily and directly to the gutter, blocking debris from the roof and straight into the gutter. Installed gutter guards offer all of these types of gutter guards to fit every preference and unique need of home owners.

Home gutter guards can be installed by professionals or installed by the home owners themselves as part of their home improvement activities. The advantage of using a professional company like Tredent Contracting is that they will be able to check your roof for leaks and get your gutters in top form in addition to doing a top-notch install. Their budget will be the primary factor in deciding which way to go. Hiring experts will cost anywhere from $3000 to $5000 for an average-sized home. This is based on a rate of $20-$30 per foot. The rates include free service eventually, if the gutter guards clog up. In comparison, DIY can be less costly. The average cost of buying the pieces and setting them up on their own will be around $100 or less. All DIY home improvement crafts have instruction guides included in the package, and there are many home owners on a tight budget who prefer doing the job themselves.

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